Wedding Reception Lighting – He is Right On…

I have done a jillion weddings here in Michigan as a mobile dj and I can tell you that the ones that feel really amazing, the ones that stick out big time are the ones that had lighting. It’s basic psychology. Lighting affects mood almost as much as that garlic smell from the kitchen affects […]

17 Tips Every Bride Should Know by Michigan Wedding DJ

Ok, yes I could have smiled more but this is the same video that runs on the Canadian DJ Network website, is voted as a “best of” by dj’s all over the USA and in its written form was used by the internationally published Mobile Beat. You may not agree with all of them but […]

Wedding video covers; whom to invite, cost saving options & more

I thought this video was decent because it covered the “who do we invite” to our Michigan wedding issue. Often a sticky conversation between engaged couples. It also covered a couple cost saving ideas to improve your odds at having a wedding that you’re reminded of through videos and pictures – not visa statements. So […]

Bridal Dance Story – A different twist on a video idea!

Michigan Wedding DJ Provides you a novel idea for your big day memoirs. Film the instruction phase of learning your dance moves. Maybe it works for you maybe not. It’s just another idea to make your memories a little sweeter.

How to “move” in your wedding dress..

This video discusses different dresses brides wear on their wedding day. It is advice given from a woman that spent much of her life in a dress. Including dancing and sitting tips.